Winter 2020
After being cooped up in a too-small San Francisco apartment for far too long, I decided to spend a month at my parents’ place in Tucson. So I packed up my car and decided to hit as many National Parks as possible on my way over. Of course the beauty of the desert around Tucson holds opportunities itself, it would be hard to tire of photographing saguaro cacti!
Waited for the 45 second window to capture the moment the moon rose over a ridge of saguaros. Luckily for me I was in the right place to have several cacti silhouetted just as I had imagined.
Stood on a small rock out in the river for 3 hours waiting for the dawn light to creep down El Capitan. Worth the wait, but next time I'm bringing footwarmers!
Half Dome, a popular hiking destination that I have yet to attempt. Beautiful in the light of the setting sun.
A lenticular cloud catches the light.
A simple silhouette I just couldn't not capture that caught my eye as I was leaving Yosemite.
I loved the striations in the rocks in Death Valley, with the added drama of sunset side lighting.
A new favorite of mine - backlit spiky plants. This one captured on the phoneline trail in Sabino Canyon.
Believe it or not this isn't a composite image. The Mesquite Flat sand dunes in Death Valley have an amazing backdrop.
I loved this sand dune formation, I'll have to come back to see this in some better light.
A hurried sunset as I arrived in Alabama Hills.
Dawn light painting the mountaintops in the Alabama Hills.
I've been experimenting with some long manual focus film lenses, in combination with my medium format digital camera it means I can crop in and not lose detail.
A soft twilight as I left Death Valley.